Wednesday 1 April 2015

Hug Someone: The Short One

Hi guys so I did promise that I was going to post more often so here it is, so you know how I gave you an update last time well things have changed dramatically. So later after I posted that post I became very ill and I'm currently writing this post on my 3rd day at hospital! I'll hopefully escape tomorrow. I thought I would tell you this because i like to keep you all in the loop...

So onto the real post! Now there's the big problem, I have taken pictures for a new post but there all currently on my camera at home! And I don't want to bring it in because I'm scared of losing it!!

So with the pictures on my iPad I will try and conjure up something (I haven't got wifi either)! I'm really if this is a really crappy post and its not the post I want to put up but I don't want to break my promise (even though I said I would only post when I wanted too)

There is only one, one (can you actually believe that) decent picture on my camera roll I can actually put onto my post and its this quote which I saw on Twitter! I think it's absolutely awesome and I challenge you to do it! 

Now I'm sorry if this post is short but I tried my best!
Have a nice break


  1. Hopefully you'll get well soon

    1. Aww thank you! I'm feeling much better thanks (love your blog by the way)!!

  2. Hope your better soon! I love a good hug! xx

    Kirsty Leigh| Bloglovin'
