Sunday 15 January 2017

A Fresh Start...


If you're reading this then you are either a dedicated reader who has patiently waited for me to fricking upload for the past couple of months or have somehow stumbled upon my blog. Either way welcome (back)!

My New Years Resolutions are very few and are not at all challenging (well 4 and 6 are but the rest are mundane):

1 - Take my makeup off before bed - I know I'm the gross being who forgets (or is too lazy - mainly the latter really) and I have promised myself to start taking better care of my skin.

2- Take more baths - like full on baths with bubbles and bath bombs and all that jazz because sometimes I'm annoying and I forget to relax which is really bad for me (and anyone else tbh). P.S I do have a shower every day if that caused any confusion

3- Finish a damn notebook - this needs to happen like right now

4- Ace my mocks - I'm not talking about all A's (that would never happen lets be real), but I am trying really hard to get grades I am happy with. A LEVELS ARE SO FRICKING HARD - there's a lot of work/content to memorise and I should do it after every lesson but who has the time.

5- Organise my life - basically get a shit tonne of pretty stationary for my desk and then never use it hence point 3

6- Look after my blog and not neglect you guys - I have wanted to restart my blog for so long - today I had a long talk with my dad about it and he said I should in my free time but I have so little. I'm meant to be revising Economics right now but I wanted to write so bad I thought fuck it.

I really want to get back into posting more but please bare with me.

Thank you the few of you reading this

Love Amber xx

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