I know what you must be thinking ' another back to school post,' but hold your horses, it is not.
So I thought to myself one day, ' how can I get my blog organised.' I searched the net for several searches, got off track once and then finally I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. The Monthly Calendar. Now I found it more exciting than it is but I have truly got to say I love it. Here is the concept:
Print of a free printable calendar click here.
All thanks got to elli.com for providing this picture
I have but all my blog ideas in the sections and then blog about them so I never get writers block. I found it's help me create some original ideas as well. I think the most helpful advice to a blogger is to take a one day break a week. I will be revealing my day break in a post coming soon. You see as a non-full time blogger I find finding time for blogging everyday hard. So my day is going to be the one where I catch up on all my homework.
I hope you like my one tip
What do you like to do to get organised?
Signing off,
That's actually pretty clever! going to do the same! Thanks for the tip xx
No problem, thanks for commenting. I really appreciate it.