Friday 29 August 2014

Back to School Tips

Many of you may have gone back to school this week, or are going next week. So I thought I would to a back to school tips blog post.
I have done an Exam Tips Blog post so check that out as well if you like this one.

Hope you enjoy!

1. Today I woke up and realised I hadn't even laid out my clothes the night before. Forgetting I no longer wore uniform, I took everything out of my closet, picked something and stuck it on. Big Tip: Lay out you clothes the night before.

2. Make sure everything is ready in the summer holiday. Check you've got all you pens, pencils etc...

3. Get to sleep early : now I know in the holidays you've been staying up extra late, as have I, but if you get a good sleep before school you will look and feel good.

4. Be confident. My dad told be a special piece of a advice today. Don't follow others, let them follow you. I think he is right if you are confident and people think they can lean on you then you will make tons of friend.

5. Try your hardest! No one can expect more. Not even you!

Wisdom Corner:
Don't worry about friends, they won't help you in the exams. Don't worry about grades, just try your best. And most importantly do what you want, not your friend. Don't be pressurised into doing something.

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