Thursday 14 August 2014

My Introduction

Hi everyone,

Welcome to my first blog post! I feel like the first post should be super formal but at the same time not! In my blog I will give some tips and tricks of the trade (that is lifestyle, beauty and fashion). Some homely sections and beauty snippets. I will also share some of my favourite and worse products which could be from makeup to clothes.  I started this blog due to it looking like fun. I started my own business on a website. My shop sold clothes, shoes and accessories but I thought a blog might express my love of fashion and beauty a bit more productively. I hope you have fun reading my posts. 
There are two aims of my blog: 
  1. Inspire someone to do something 
  2. Bring a smile to someones face
I know this blog post is short but I don't want to bore you right at the beginning. I'll do that part later!
Follow my blog, you won't regret it!

Signing off,
Amber(ose) :)

P.S: If i get a following I will link my social media sites

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