Saturday 16 August 2014

Results Day Tips!

Ahh, the dreaded results day. They day that is marked on the calendar with a big fat red cross (and a sad face if your extra dreading it). The day where every living teenager is scared out of their wits for their future. Don't get me wrong this year I will be handed the envelope of misery, but I will be ready for anything. You see for last week I have been scouring the internet for tips on how to deal with my results, and with a bit of experience chucked into the mix I have created the ' Ultimate Guide to Results Day.' Here are ten (short but useful) top tips on surviving results day!

1. Charge your phone (trust me your parents will go mad if they don't know as soon as you've opened the envelope).
2. Get some rest! No irregular caffeine doses before/on the big day. You don't wanna be a coffee intoxicated bag of nerves.
3. If they are A-Level results draw up a list of alternative courses/universities you may want to apply to.
4. I always try to relax myself before results day so I am in the right frame of mind before I receive my grades. I take a relaxing bath but you could listen to music, bake, have a massage. Anything really (except coffee)!
5. Organisation is key ( A-Level) - Before ringing universities ALWAYS have your UCAS personal ID, Clearing number and details of your qualifications ready to give to the receiver.
6. Always do your research on courses, subjects and universities before applying.
7. Do whats you think is right for you - if you don't want to go into further education talk to your teachers, parents or a responsible adult about it before making the decision to get reassurance Remember you're not alone.
8. Eat a balanced breakfast- don't skip it, even if eating is the last thing on your mind.
9. Do not compare results- not with you friends, older siblings, no one. They are personal, focus on your ambitions and your own expectations
10. Stay Positive: the key is to always keep an open mind and if your unhappy with your results there is always clearing. 
Good Luck!

Hope these 10 top tips helped you. Follow for more posts. Share if you liked it.
What do you do to relax before a stressful event?
Signing off,
Amber(ose) :)

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