Saturday 23 August 2014

My Blogging Story

Hello guys I am truly sorry for not posting for two days. These past few days have been hectic, hence the reason for my lack of posting. So here is a little blog post on those days.

Day 1:
This day I got my results, once word had got out, relatives after relatives after relatives decided to pour into the house to congratulate me. After lots of hugging and the occasional cheek pinch I was so tired and ready for bed, thats why I didn't blog that day and I am truly sorry.

Day 2:
Now this is a 'no excuse not to blog' day. My family took me to Bicester Village and if you live in the U.K it's a must have designer shopping village. Located in Oxfordshire, it is very clean ( I hate unclean shopping centres). All the shops are outdoors with big names such as Prada, Gucci and Radley Bags. I didn't come out with hundreds of bags, only two because although it's an outlet designer village, the items are still on the pricy side. I highly recommend it for a big family day out, there are lots of restaurants which have amazing food. I went to a Thai restaurant that had the best noodles I had ever tasted, and there are tons of things to do. 

So thats what happened over the last two days, I am truly sorry for the lack of posts.
Whats the most fun you've had all holidays?
Signing off,
Amber(ose) :)

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