Sunday 31 August 2014

Wifi & Internet Block | Update of Me:

Hi guys sorry it's such a late post you see I went away to see some family, and surprise, surprise I forgot to take my laptop (like a div)! I had no way of accessing the internet and even if I did it would be incredibly slow. So I thought I might as well post it when I am back at home. 
Today's post is just going to be a chatty one because I am not feeling up to taking photos. Yep that's right I am ill and currently sitting on my bed next to a loo roll (incase I sneeze again!) I am taking antibiotics hoping it will all clear up soon, but I woke up with no voice! Never happened to me before.

Things that I need to update you on:
My Blogging rest day is Wednesday!
I've got all my blog posts sorted up until october! Eeek never been so 'organised' ( cheeky hint of a blog post there I see)!
I hope you like my new blog design. I got it from the Cutest Blog on the Block. They have seriously cool designs, go check them out.
Added new pages, including a contact me page, ask any questions. Feel free, it's quick an simple.
The most exciting part that I am raving about is my 'Subscribe to my blog' button. Just add your email, press subscribe, confirm your email. They may end up putting me in spam :( so check there as well. 
So that's it your all updated. I promise more riveting blog posts in September so subscribe now to be the first to know. It only take a second.

Signing off,
Amber(ose) :)

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