Saturday 4 October 2014

Foody September Favourites | Indulgents

Announcement Time:
My Blog Name has changed to Urban Foot Print but the website name will still be If you find this confusing please contact me and I will change the domain but I think the hassling of moving is too much, but if you don't fancy it I will change it. Anything for you guys! 
Right now onto the favourites:
So your probably thinking 'why are there chocolates on my screen making me extremely hungry!?'  I'll tell you why. This is my Foody September Favourites. I have never seen this done before, so I am pushing the boat out. I cant promise every pick in this post will healthy or beneficial to yourself in any way, (if pleasure is beneficial than there all super good for you), 
but September is my calm before the storm. The storm being December which is my 'ultra indulge in anything you like while trying to be moderate but absolutely failing' month!

So my first pick are the Areo Bubbles Love To Share Pack. I am obsessed! I love, love, love how they melt in your mouth with a mint chocolate part at the bottom, there is one good downside though. After exceeding your recommended amount they start to get a bit sickly forcing you to stop. I am not going to say that is bad though, because you do have to eat everything in moderation. Wow I am teaching a lesson I can't even do. 
I have also been loving Belgian Waffles, I can honestly say, hand on my heart that these drizzled with a honey (a small squeeze of course) are the most delicious snack/breakfast/dessert you could have. Toast for 30 seconds and you will get a crisp outer shell and a sweet dough in the middle. The honey is just an additional added bonus which I choose to take! I did say this post was going to be unhealthy.
Now these are a newly found delight, a perfect snack for on the go and are a regular show in my break time snack! These do contain fruit but is counterbalanced with white chocolate (my favourite kind of chocolate)! You might think 12 bars is a lot but all will be revealed at the end of the post!
And the last foodie thing for this September favourites is Actimel, I know it's a drink but it is one of my favourites and I have never tried the blueberry one but it has become instantly one of my favourite flavours in the Actimel range. 

I wont be posting on any sites for a week as I will be travelling, sorry. I won't have any internet connection or availability to a computer, I am sorry guys. The reason I bought 12 cereal bars is because I will want propers snacks to munch on while on my holiday.
I hoped you enjoyed this new post. I have not seen a post like this so I thought it could be a bit different. I hope you liked it.

Signing off,

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  1. I love all of these foods! :) I'm craving mint Aero's now!

    Sugar Sweet Style

  2. I love waffles! I'm going to get some tomorrow and serve with cream and drizzle with chocolate. :-D

    1. Ohh they sound amazing, wish i did that now but there all gone. I might get some too now!

  3. Those Aerobubbles sound SO SO SO GOOD! Ugh! Literally drooling right now

    cathy // helllo, cathy

    1. I know they are like my favourite chocolate at the moment!
      Amber x
