Sunday 19 October 2014

Hospital Addmittance | Soap & Glory Review

Hello guys, how are you doing? The reason I haven't blogged recently is because last Tuesday I was admitted into hospital and I only got back home in the late hours of yesterday. I did write a post back while I was in hospital and published it, but it didn't seem to publish due to dodgy wifi and I was really upset when I got back home and saw it wasn't on my blog. I also felt like I had neglected my blog and the I had been a rubbish blogger, but I picked myself up and just wrote because I enjoy it! I am still a bit sore from hospital as I had a procedure which required anaesthetic, but I thought I couldn't leave it any longer as I was dying to post! Sorry guys! Enjoy
Anyway onto the actual post now which is a Soap & Glory Review:
 Earlier on this year I purchased my first Soap and Glory Products (I know, I know i'm late) so I thought I would review them and here it is:

The first product I am going to start with is Sugar Crush which is a 'fresh & foamy' body wash. It really relaxes me but if you don't like pungent citrusy (new word alert!) scents this isn't for you. Not to long ago I was restricted from going into Lush because the scent was too much for me. I have now adjusted to this cruel hold back and love this scent. It really refreshes me and has essential oils that soften and condition the skin (Lime oil and Omega -Rich Veggie oil: whatever that is, but I know it's really beneficial to your skin).  It has helped my skin by leaving it feel super squeaky clean after a bath and as I had a lot of stickers put on me for scans in hospital it leaves a residue which is hard to shift and this does just the trick.

Now this is the best body scrub I have used in a long long time. It instantly washes the city of leaving you relaxed with silky smooth skin. There has been some controversy over this product that is the micro beads within it harm the ocean life when it goes down your plug hole. I did not know this when I purchased this product, and I don't know wether it would've hindered my decision or not to buy it. Aside the fact of it having a negative effect ocean life I love this product and I try to scrub the micro beads in as much as I can but obviously I can't scrub every single on in. I try to use this only on occasions now as I love marine life. Your probably thinking 'you should stop entirely using it then' but Soap and Glory products are entirely cheap and I consider them as a high street bath product brand. This is designed primely for shower but I use it in the bath and it works lovely. The scent is not to citrusy but is actually quite subtle so if citrus scents aren't you this is the scrub for you!

Hope you enjoyed this review you can find the product links in the title of the products and sorry for neglecting my blog, I did try to write but the hospital wifi clearly wasn't on my side (as it never is)! Oh well...

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