Sunday 16 November 2014

Everyone Has Something...

Today's post is different:
It's a pure writing one.
No reviews today or recent makeup purchases this ones a solid message...
I may not speak on behalf of all people but sometimes we all feel low. Like we are not good at anything but trust me on this one, everyone has something. How big or small that something may be everyone has it! You've just got to do a little searching and a bit of digging but you will find it. Now I want this post to focus on girls, teenage girls specifically. Now me being one myself I know that sometimes my self esteem dips. At these points I become tired and lazy. feeling like I want to be with no one and have myself as company. I know these aren't great for my health but when I was in high school it was boys who I had a problem with. Again I don't want to say every boy in the world has set out to hurt you, but when I first started I had comments on my appearance and this is what bought me crashing down to Earth. Tears used to instantly fill my eyes and I used to go home crying but all that stopped when I changed my actions toward them. My mum went to go see the head of my year, she said I had to give as good as I get. Now this does not mean assaulting them physically, but if they commented on how I look, I would do the same. This 'skill' helped me all throughout high school, and even in college. The other day a boy commented on a very sensitive issue, but I didn't cry, I didn't even retaliate. I just ignored him, and ignoring is probably better than giving as good as you get because two wrongs don't make a right. Now when someone says something horrible I just ignore them, be the bigger person and don't let them see you in a vulnerable state.
Forget about what Taylor Swift calls 'haters' because that's all they are, no one else, just mean people set out to bring you down. Always remember however low you feel there are people that can help. Always go to someone when you need to. Wether at home, school etc...  There is always someone there e.g:
Adult- Mum, Dad, Grandma, Grandad, Aunties and Uncles
Teacher: Head of Year, Principal, Form Tutor
ChildLine: 0800 1111
Me: I may not be specialised, or a professional Agony Aunt, but I am hear to listen, listen to problems, feedback and constructive criticism. In my contacts page you will see a contact form enter your message and click send it will automatically be sent to my email and I will always reply.
Your never alone, don't let people treat you like you're worthless, like there is nothing right with you, always remember everyone has something....

Amber xx 

Sunday 2 November 2014

My uncalled for mini haul...woopsy | Zoella Controversy

Hi guys how you doing? Well the above happened recently... I went shopping and couldn't legitimately resist. First of all who can't go into a Superdrug and resist buying a Zoella Beauty product. Me! I know there has been some controversy following Zoella, her image and the example she sets to young girls. Here is what I think about the whole dispute.

My View:
I know a lot of bloggers create blogs to discuss delicate issues, what they think and other opinions in the comments. But to set out and comments on someone image firstly that I think is wrong. A blog is a place of your own, a reputation you create from scratch on the internet and to fill with hateful comments. (The Zoella Controversy was posted on a blog post by a blogger!) And the commenting on the success she has built up over 5 years, i also think is uncalled for. She built up her successful reputation by hard work and utter determination and it's not there for people to mock upon. I think she has strived other young girls to persevere their own dreams. When she started writing she never knew what would happen in the future, no one does so she made her image from the bottom worked her way to the top and I personally admire that.

I then went into a shop called Tiger and the first thing I saw was the cute little lunchbox, I know I may be to old for lunch boxes like that but you've got to admit, when you see a lunch box with a sleepy (i'm guessing) fox on it you have got to have utter will power not to buy it. It was also a bargain at £3.00!

I then bought the Weekly Planner in Tiger. It's really clear as to whats to come in the weeks ahead so yay! If I can keep this organising thing up i'll be sorted! This planner was also £3.00!
The colouring pencils I needed. I have not one coloured pencil in my house... sad right! These were £2 and there is a hell of a lot in them!

Staying in Tiger I bought the geometric type notebook just for school if I want to jot something down and the I bought these lovely cotton pads. They have like a flower pattern on them and are super easy to use and remove make up with. Notebook: £2.00 (I  think) Cotton Pads £1.00
Boots: I bought two mini things from Boots. A Toni and Guy, Prep heat protection mist and a Rimmel pencil eyeliner. This eyeliner actually works! It's Soft Kohl so it's not jet black and I also smudge it with a smudger so you get a soft line. I really think it gives a nice effect and would be
perfect for a smokey eye look.

I also bought the Lush Melted snowman. I am hoping to try it soon. And to compensate all my bath bombs I bough a Lush Fizz Tank to store them all in.

Thats my haul and controversy views over. Hope you liked it. Have you heard about the controversy, if so what do you think. If not then also tell me your views in the comments based on this post.

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Click on my Previous Posts:How To: Gingerbread Biscuits
Why I hate Halloween
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