Thursday 17 December 2015

Be Who You Want To Be!

I am in College, not University, College. I am confident and I am myself most of the time. I dont tend to care what people think of me and I don't think you should either. Just be yourself. Don't let anyone put you down, don't let grades define you and most importantly don't change yourself for anyone. If someone wants you to change f**k them. Tell them to stick their ideas where the sun don't shine. Now this doesn't mean you can't compromise because compromising always makes a relationship stronger wether it is a loving/friendship relationship.

Now here's 2 things that I did this week that showed people that I did not care what they thought:

1) Did not wear makeup to college this week. I don;t care if people think I look 'ugly' without makeup. My skin needed to breathe so I let it. I don't care if people think I don't try hard to look nice. I really just want to be comfortable in my own body.

2) I talked smack in front a popular boy about him. There's a little gang in my class and they were being really stupid, so I turned to my friend and pointed this out and she agreed. He heard and I knew it but he daren't confront me. I don't think any girl has ever told him the truth and I shocked him. GO SISTA!

So here's the low down don't care what people think of you... JUST BE YOURSELF ALL THE TIME. Now this is not me saying that you should not wear makeup and start talking smack about people in front of them. Just me saying go with the flow. Don't be afraid and always dive into the deep end


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