Saturday 20 August 2016


JUST FINISHED NCS (it was ok, but I really wanted to do a post on this topic so bear with me)

So many of you in the UK may have already opened the dreaded brown envelope the Thursday that has just gone. However the majority of you may have the anxious wait until the Thursday that is coming up. I am one of those who are anxiously waiting.

Thursday 25th August: GCSE Results Day and to be honest I am bricking it. I know that in family that there is no competition but my brother set the bar quite high. And as I am from an Asian background I feel as though the pressure is on me. However my parents are not like most (stereotypical) Asian parents. They are not expecting anything from me, like my brother. They said that they would be happy with whatever I get.

The pressure I feel though is not from my immediate family it is from others like aunties in particular. I feel as though they are expecting less from me because of a) my brother and b) my past health issues!

I am determined to prove them wrong but all of that proving lies in the brown envelope. I need 6 C's or above to get in to the college I want to which I want to believe I have achieved.

I know that I will be super nervous when I open my results BUT remember that grades don't define you at all! Just keep that in mind when you open the envelope.

Here are a few tips I think will help you survive results day:

1) BREATHE - it's not the end of the world if you don't get the grades you wanted there are options to re-take and re-mark your papers!
2) DON'T BRAG - I remember one of my old friends coming in to school showing of her older brothers grades and I just stood there and didn't say a word because it's not for the whole word to know what my brother got. I think if someone asks you what grades you got you should tell them. Also don't start asking people who look really upset what they've got with a big grin on your face. Instead comfort them.
3) DON'T COMPARE - People are different, you've probably learnt that through your whole life. This then leads on to the point that some people may have done better/worse in the same exam. WHO CARES! It's what you've got and that all should be focused on, so what if Sally down the road got an A* and you got an A.

Breathe, stay calm and GOOD LUCK!

Also I hope the people who did open their A-level results on Thursday 18th August got what they wanted!

Lots of love,

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