Monday 8 September 2014

I've been nominated? For an award? Who'd me interested in me?

Yesterday night I received an email saying I was nominated for a Liebster Award. The lovely Nuala Felicity from Blueprint of a Girl and Jo from Jo's Nook nominated me. Thanks ever so much! As I have been nominated twice I will answer 20 questions, 10 from Nuala and 10 from Jo. Here goes enjoy!

Nuala's questions:

1. If you had to choose between clothes and shoes, which would it be?
Clothes, clothes. clothes. I am in love with clothes. I could just chuck on a pair of sneakers and I would be happy, but I love all my clothes and buying them is fun too!

2. Who is your style inspiration?
Now this is a hard one, because I like to feel like I don't copy certain aspects of a look from a person. I think I like to be unique (not Lady Gaga unique though), buy what I fancy in the shops, put something together that I think flatters me, really

3. What is at the top of your bucket list?
Good question, there are lots of things I want to do before I kick the bucket, I really want to go on a roller coaster, you might think why hasn't a teenage girl gone a roller coaster before? I have a heart condition that disallows me to go on one. I just want to know what it feels like really.

4. All time favourite book?
Probably the Harry Potter series, I love them so much. I don't know how a author can think in such detail let alone describe masterfully!

5. What is your favourite blog to read online?
I love all new blogs, like people who have just started, because I feel that they feel like no one is probably gonna read what they write. So what the new ones say's comes from the heart! After that stage of blogging it's all planning, where as I plan but don't keep to it if I feel that's not what you want to read. Does that make sense or was that a load of old tosh?

6. Tumblr or Twitter?
I don't have a tumblr account but I do have twitter! So twitter it is.

7. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
Tough one, in the wise words of cheryl cole too much of anything can make you sick so I would have to pick one of  my favourite foods sausage and chips! So old school I know.

8. If you were on a dessert island what one thing would you bring?
A family photo. I am a family type girl so that would mean so much to me.

9. Who would you save in a zombie apocalypse?
Now as I said above I am a family girl, so I couldn't possibly choose one person. So to save myself from guilt in the future I am going to say my rabbit!

10. What fictional character do you wish existed?
Now I love comics as much as the next girl, so I would have to choose spiderman. Now although I have a horrid phobia of spiders themselves and the thought of getting bitten by a radioactive spiders send's shivers down my spine, I like how he uses his power for the greater good. He could have easily strangled people with his web (not likely I know) but he didn't instead he saved them. Nice going Spiderman.

Jo's Questions:

1. If your house was on fire what would be the first thing you would grab? 
Similar to the question above I would grab a photo album. Home bird for life!

2. Are you a day person or a night person?
Definitely a day person. I love the day. I love how when I wake up the birds are having a full on conversation, that eventually starts to annoy me. I'm weird like that

3. What's your biggest pet peeve?
Now as you know I have a rabbit,most rabbit mark their territory once to let the owners know it's theirs. My rabbit marked the greenhouse so much I was unbearable. Don't get me wrong we never went into the greenhouse once he marked it (it was only there for show) but he continuously marked it.

4. What's your favourite make up brand?
Can I have two please? Mac and Bobbi Brown. Both such good quality and last a long time

5. What's the makeup item you can't live without?
Probably my Bobbi Brown Cream foundation. Love it, such a good coverage.

6. Biggest advice anyone ever gave to you?
Whenever I come home complaining to my mum saying so and so said this and that my mum always replies with the same thing every time, but every time it's made me think... she says

" Life's a bitch, you just got to get on with it"

Wise words

7. Considering high school which one do you consider yourself to be,
- The Nerd
-The Popular
-The Girl Nobody Sees
-The Emo
Now people see me, I am a little shy around unfamiliar people, but soon open my shell once I feel comfortable around them I am not an Emo nor popular I think the nerd, not that I am extremely clever.

8. Why?
Already answered!

9. Can you go outside without make up? 
Yeah, I don't rely on makeup, I am happy with how I look without. Also I sometimes forget to put primer on so I go around college with no make up on for like 2 hours (hehe)!

10. If you only had one shop that you could shop in for the rest of your life which would it be?
H&M, I raved about it in my last post, not overly priced goods but great quality. I love their range as well, so extensive. Could shop in their all day!

Thats my questions done, so who's up next

The little life of me
Mandy Bajwa
Feathers and Brushes
Michelle Sousa
Vivacious Events

My Questions:
1. What is your phobia (excluding spiders, got you there!)
2. Would you rather fight a tiger or a shark?
3.Why did you start blogging?
4.Are you a planner or do you like to do thing spontaneously?
5. Cat or Dog?
6. Most prized possession?
7. Tea or Coffee?
8. Who would be at your ultimate dinner party (dead or alive)?
9. How did you pick your blogs name?
10. Describe yourself in three words?

Answer if you dare...

-You must link back to the person who tagged you
-You must answer all questions above
-You must come up with ten other questions of your own
-You must tag eleven other bloggers with under 200 followers

Good luck!

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  1. I've already been nominated and done my Liebster award, but thank you for the nomination :)

  2. Thats ok sorry for nominating you again! :)

  3. I've already been nominated but thanks for the nomination!

  4. Thank you for the nomination! I have completed the questions on my blog :) x

  5. Thanks I'll go check it out!

  6. Thanks! Much appreciated,
    Amber xx
