Tuesday 2 September 2014

Tutorial Tuesday: I Baked Cookies | Take 2

Inspired by Tanya Burr
So today I decided to bake some white chocolate cookies and show you how I made them. Now I am not going to lie there were a few disasters in the making, such as pouring more flour on the camera rather than the bowl! But when disasters where diverted the result I was definitely happy with! Enjoy!

You will need: 
200g Butter (room temp.)
300g Caster Sugar
1 Large Egg
325g Self Raising flour
A dash of milk
200g White Chocolate
200g Milk Chocolate

Step 1:
Preheat your oven to 200°C and line two baking trays with baking paper.

Step 2:
Measure the sugar:

 and butter.
 and mix away, mix until everything is incorporated in the mix.
 Then add the egg (minus the shell, it would be helpful, trust me I know).
and once again whisk away until the mixture looks similar to this!
Measuring the flour time!
 Gradually add the flour to the dough mix, bit by bit and if it is a bit crumbly (like mine) add a bit of milk so the mixture comes together.

Now shape the cookies and evenly distribute the chocolate!
Bake for 10-12 mins, leave to cool for 30 mins (how cruel, how can I wait 30 minutes for cookies)?!
 And here is how they turned out, and to be brutally honest with you I loved them. They were gooey in the middle but had a lovely crunch on the outer shell (ohh get me trying to be all posh)!
No editing was done to this photo so you can see its true beauty! 

This is my second time at making cookies and you could be a cookie guru or a disaster waiting to happen when it comes to cookies, but these are the most simplistic cookies you could make, I mean even I could do it. If you decide to make them send me your pics. 
What you're favourite bake?

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  3. You can never go wrong making chocolate cookies, they are always super yummy!

    Have a nice day. :)
    Free Spirit

  4. I know and these were super easy to make as well, I have been getting into the bake off spirit. Thanks for checking out my blog.

    Have a nice day too.

  5. Omg! Now I am hungry! I need to make them ahah really good post xx


    1. Aww, thanks soo much jo, I love reading your blog posts as well. :) xx

  6. Thanks for commenting! Your blogs great! Love the design
    Amber xx

  7. Replies
    1. They are the yummiest aren't they! Thanks for checking out my blog!
