Monday 8 December 2014

5 Things I Love about Christmas

Hey! My name is Bethany and you can find my blog here. Amber has let me guest post, Thanks again Amber! So since it's December here which for me means cold weather, busy shopping malls and stores, decorations (red and green alike), cold weather, lots of hot chocolate and tea, giving and receiving gifts, and did I mention cold weather? Anyway I thought I would tell you 5 things I love about Christmas!

*drum roll please...*

1. Tis the season to be Jolly~ I love all the joy in the air, and I love to spend time celebrating Jesus's birthday with family and friends.

2. Candy Canes~ I love the mint taste of the Candy Cane. And the fact that if you put two together it makes a Heart.

3. Giving Gifts~ I love wrapping and giving gifts, receiving is good but I do have to say I like giving better.

4. Cold Winter Nights~ I don't really care for cold weather. But really enjoy cold nights when inside my house, in my comfy clothes and just chilling out.

5. Family and Friends~ And most of all I love my family and friends. The time we get to spend together celebrating Jesus Christ's Birthday:)

Thank you so much for letting me Guest Post. Please feel free to check out my blog, and follow. Happy Holidays, and Merry Christmas! Oh and Happy New Year. -Bethany!

1 comment:

  1. Cute post! Christmas time is always so much fun!

