Saturday 31 January 2015

Infinity Dreams Award- Part 2

The lovely lady behind the amazing blog The night writers diary nominated me for the Infinity Dreams Award and I cannot thank her enough...

So here are the rules

Thank and Follow the blog that nominated you
Tell us 11 facts about you
Answers the questions that were set up for you
Nominate 11 and make questions for them

11 Facts about boring old me:
1. I never wear heels, there hell in a shoe for me...
2. My favourite colour is orange hence the name Amber, I didn't choose it though I guess my parents knew really well before i even knew myself. Weird.
3. I find it really hard to spell weird.
4. Procrastination is my middle name... 
5. I love singing even though i'm not good at it but it doesn't hold me back.
6. Phone+Laptop+Food+Friends and Family= Life
7. I love t.v way to much that I once quoted a whole advert (sad right)
8. Don't hate me but I think Nando's is too overrated.
9. I love guitars but can't play one.
10. I can play the piano though
11. I do everything with my right hand because my left is considerably weaker (more on that story later)

1. Have you ever stayed up all night?
Nope, my bed is also my life!
2. What is your favourite book?

All Harry Potter ones (not a geek, just an enthusiast)
3. What is your 
favourite word?
Love- eurghhh what a girl
4. What word do you hate the most?

Dead- Morbid I know but there is a reason...
5.Favorite super hero?

Green Lantern- he seems a bit neglected and I root for underdogs!
6.Have you ever been stung by a bee?

Yes- OUCH!!! 
7.Your worst pet peeve?

People who gargle in front of me- EWWWWW!
avouriteTV show when you were a child?
64 Zoo Lane- My childhood in a show
avourite day of the week?
Friday, isn't it everyones! Also we get takeout on a Friday, Yummy!
10. Can you cut shapes?

Lets just say when I was 12 i got cutting homework (in maths) because of my awful cutting skills.
11.Favorite snack?

Probably a banana cut up with Nutella on each piece... yummy!

Disclaimer: Sort of???
HOWEVER there is a big problem everyone I've seem to want to nominate has done it recently so that is why I don't want to nominate anyone because I believe anyone should have this award for just being able to step into the blogging community because the internet can be a very scary place at times.
So my nominations are: anyone who wants to do it you can do it. There is no pressure on you, feel free to do it whenever.

1.Laptop or Phone?
2. Burger or Chips?
3. If you had to eat a food for the rest of your life what would it be?
4. What animal would you be?
5.If you were stranded on a desert island and you were only allowed 5 things what would you take?
6.If you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life what would it be?
7. Socks or No Socks?
8.Favourite read?
9.Favourite shop?
10. Current Make up favourite?
11. Favourite game?

Answer away to your hearts content my friends, I'll love to hear your answers!



  1. Such a fun post.
    Would you like to follow each other GFC/Bloglovin/G+?

    1. Thanks and yeah I'd love to check out your blog and follow! Thanks for reading...
