Today's post is going to be a vlog style chat. Short, sweet and an update is included as well
Did you see the eclipse I did if you didn't it wasn't something specials here I was I think it varied where you where in the country so I think if you were near the top of the UK then you are going to get a better view but because I'm near the south of Great Britain I think the climax was for nothing and that I found I just got cold and miserable!
I hope each and everyone of you are all alright and I will try my hardest to keep on consistently blogging over the Easter. Make sure you indulge in anything you like because Easter only comes once a year and that's a great excuse! I use it for Birthdays, Christmas and obviously Easter! And if you don't celebrate Easter where you are then have a nice break.
Let's try and get 20 Friends
My favourite chocolate to eat at Easter. And I did have a nibble guilty as charged!
Favourite eggs (they are not all for me!) If you like this type of post tell me and I'll do more of them because I thought I'd try something new today because I do like to shake things up on my blog, because I feel if I post the same kind of structured posts then it will get a bit boring and none of you will be interested so I do try to vary things structural wise, so if you like it tell me and I'll do more!
If you have any post suggestions or if you want to shake things up like a guest posts or anything like that then just go on to my contact me page at the top and I always look at my email, so if you do want to get in touch with me for a chat or anything else, because I love to talk to to my readers because if you've got a blog as well I'll probably love it!
If you have any party decorations ideas to help me because my birthday is coming up soon and I'm just stuck for ideas so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I do you wanna go for a pastel theme!
If you saw how Zoellas living room was decorated I really loved that! If you didn't see here's a pic:
What's your favourite thing about Easter?
Mine is that flowers just looks so pretty outside (and it's Easter)
Remember let's try and get to 20 friends (you guys are not followers you're my friends) so if you're not already following it would mean a lot also remember to leave your blog link in the comments below and I'll be sure to check that out