Sunday 1 March 2015

72 hours in London

As you can probably tell by the title I was in London for a couple of days. Nope I didn't go on a huge shopping spree that took me 3 days (I wish...)! No I went to Great Ormond Street, it a London hospital and I took some snaps on the way to show all of you lovely people! Enjoy

London St Pancras (yes some of Harry Potter was filmed here and yes I did have a tiny fan girl moment!)

'Medical equipment scares me why can't they have unicorns on' is what I would say if I was 5! 
The view from my room, just a building really nothing interesting!
Our last night in the hotel we were going to get a takeaway but we got something far better...
...NANDO'S YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM (when I first took this photo the flash was on lucky nobody saw but I was still thinking 'what if someone saw me taking photos of a wooden chicken?' Embarrassed Face)
And I couldn't resist snapchatting it (or is it snapping) either way it was tasty
Sorry there were few photos but I did take enough photos of my travel kit and what's inside for a post so keep your eyes out for that one! Anyway I hope your are all doing well and thank you for all your well wishes (you're all so kind)! I feel privileged to be in such a close knit community!

Where did you go in the holidays?


P.S The dress I see is white and gold! What do you see? Comment if you know what i'm on about...


  1. Lol, why can't they have unicorns on?, I ask that every passing day and still haven't got an answer. sigh. I'm now craving some Nandos after seeing that photo. sigh.

    1. Haha! I Love Unicorns and your blog!

  2. I think the dress is definitely blue and black! I really want Nandos after seeing your photo, it looks delicious.

    UK Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


    1. Really I saw a video saying it was something to do with how the brain processes the light!
      Nando's = Life

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