Tuesday 30 September 2014

Tutorial Tuesday | Raspberry Smoothie

Tutorial Tuesday's back! This post will attempt to teach you how to make a raspberry smoothie. Send me your pics at amberoseblogs@outlook.com or tweet me using the hashtag #amberssmoothie. It will look at all of them.
I am sorry for being inconsistent with the Tutorial Tuesday...Hope you enjoy nonetheless...
You will need some vanilla/greek style yoghurt. I just guessed and filled the mixing cylinder 1/4 of the way full.
I then added 3 handfuls are sweet raspberries...
Fill the cylinder half way with milk and mix with a blender...
and this little beauty came out of all this. It quick and super simple and also really healthy. If you wanted to make even healthier you could use 0% fat yoghurt, instead I added a spoon of sugar. Woops! Hope you like this post. If you want more smoothie recipes let me know in the comments below. Follow if you like my posts! Share some love in the comments. Thanks Friends,
Previous Post: 2 Trains, Food & Shopping | 24 Hours

Signing off,

Monday 29 September 2014

2 Trains, Food & Shopping | 24 Hours

Hi Guys, So I went  to Leeds the other week and I took a few pics while I was there so here they are! 
Two jam packed trains... Horrible. Especially when there are about 20 hen weekend girls talking so loud you can't hear yourself think!
 Leeds University Open Day...
 Lush Lush Lush ahhhh ( daydreaming about Lush)! Lush Haul Blog post
 Yummy Tortilla in a shop called Tortilla!
My fail attempt to catch the shops name!
My Lush confession...
Couldn't resist taken a shot of this, I may or may not have jumped in next to the mannequin. Mannequins rather scare me actually after that Doctor Who episode! Are any of you scared of mannequins or am I the only one...
I love this bird in a tea cup effect, mannequins can't keep out my photo. That's right I see that cheeky hand popping in! Anyway guys just thought I would share that with you. If you want to see even more of these than drop me a comment. I read every one and they mean so much when you give time and effort to leave one. Thanks friends.
My Previous Post:  Lush Haul
Signing off,

Thursday 25 September 2014

Lush Junkie...

So as I recently promised here is my Lush Haul. Hope you enjoy this post as much as I loved making it! Thanks guys for all the lovely feedback you leave and it is much appreciated. I love reading through your comments and I love blogging. The reason I haven't been doing much is because I am now at college the workload has increased by a lot. I don't blog as much as I want to but I am sure you guys all know deep deep down (however deep that may be) that homework comes first before luxuries. Hope you guys understand. Anyway enjoy the splurge I had in Lush, links will be in the names of the item. Enjoy!
 So here are my products:


Honey I Washed The Kids
 This caramel scented soap is cleverly named and has a gorgeous scent. It is designed for young unpolluted skin so its especially gentle and for all skin types. It also contains aloe vera gel which is great for the brightening of the skin naturally. This soap also leaves a sweet but not sickly scent on your body leaving you feeling refreshed for the day. It also contains english honey which gives it distinctive scent which is also moisturising for the bodies skin. Love this soap one of my favourites from Lush.

This soap brings back tonnes of memories as this is the first ever product I bought in Lush. I remember going into Lush with my mum, searching the store for something to buy. We intently sniffed each soap deciding which to purchase and this is the soap we bought. I loved it so much this is a re-purchase. I love the hint of citrus that hangs on your body while you step out the bath. And when you are actually in the bath you'll just want to eat the soap.

Bath Bombs

Space Girl

This glitter galore of a bath bomb makes your bath into a lovely red colour that makes you want to jump in straight away. It also crackles as it hits the bath making a lovely sound as well as smell. It contains relaxing oils for a calm feeling whilst taking this 'out of this world' bath. See what I did there...

This is also a special christmas edition bath bomb, I think the red bit is popping candy so I can't wait to see what that looks like!

Sex Bomb
This bomb i repurchased, i wrote a brief review in my Favourite Bath Products post and it's in this one because I love the spa feeling I get when I pop it into the bath and take a dip. It instantly calms and relaxes you when you've had a tough day. It also gives the water a lovely purply colour. This is a must-have purchase.

 Now this bomb does wonders for the skin with cocoa butter in it, it gives a moisturising feel for dry, sensitive and irritated skin. I think this inexpensive bomb is well worth the money and will probably find itself in my Lush basket next time I visit.

This is a christmas special bath bomb so there is no link. I have kept this one a while and have never had the time to use it. Lame excuse I know. But I have read great reviews on other blogs so i will give it try and see what I think.

Pop In The Bath
This is a bubble bar slice, and the first I have purchased, it melts in your hand and in your bath. It also has a zesty scent. If you don't already know I love zesty scents! It also makes immense bubbles in the bath, I mean who can resist bubbles?

Thanks for reading, commenting and sharing.
What's your favourite Lush product?
Signing off,

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Saturday 20 September 2014

A Day In a Castle | 24 Hours

So last weekend I went to a wedding in a castle. I went to explore and took some snaps on the way! Hope you enjoy! Sorry the pics are hazy the lighting messed them up and are taken with an iPhone.
Enjoy! Sorry there are lots!
 Now the pictures got in a bit of a muddle. Here are the grounds, everything was so big!
I am not going to lie and say I didn't walk down this bit acting like a model on a runway! I couldn't resist!
Straight to the point caption: Pretty Flower
 Vintage chair and tables 
 Another pretty flower!
 There were lots of pretty flowers that I felt the need to take a pictures of!

 Inside the Castle:
 This light is my ultimate vintage light!
 Runway walk again...
 and again... there were lots of nicely decorated corridors! A girl can never resist and nicely decorated corridor!
  Vintage Fireplace! Love it or Loathe it! Still not sure let me know down below in the comments your thoughts!
How high are the ceilings?!A very small library compare to the whole castle!
 Pretty flowers overlooking the gardens!
 Vintage living room!
 This clock is right up my street!
 All done! Let me know if you enjoy days out post with a majority of pictures, i certainly love making them! Hope you did enjoy!

Signing off,

Tuesday 16 September 2014

One Lovely Blog Award - Vivacious Events

Let's Get Personal | Amberose

 Thanks ever so much to the lovely Jessica from Vivacious Events for nominating me for the one lovely blog award! Here blogs great so check it out!
So here it goes. Enjoy!
7 Facts about me:

1. I love American Sitcoms, there are just not enough British ones, so American it is at the moment.

2. My favourite music is probably indie rock...
Autumn, Autumn, Autumn...

3. My favourite season is Autumn, it's were you're allowed to wear dark purple lipsticks and get away with it! Not to dark though!

4. I survived a flight to Australia, 7 hours straight, stop for 1 hour, then 14 hours straight. 

5. I despise sports. I am rubbish at sports and have never ever liked it. 

6. My favourite food is Chinese. Love it!

7. I always dream of opening up a coffee shop/ tea room. 
The Rules:

1. You must thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
2. You must list the rules and display the award.
3. You must add 7 facts about yourself.
4. You must nominate 15 other bloggers and comment on one of their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
5. You must display the award logo and follow the blogger who nominated you.
I Nominate:

1. Jo's Nook

2. Lynde Avenue

3. Alessandra

4. Blueprint of a Girl

5. Persian Princess

6. Syazzai liya

7. Sugar Sweet Style

8. Just Thinking

9. Sprinkle of Style

10. Rambles and Brambles

11. Wednesday 19th

12.A Glass of Ice

13. being you is the best you can do


15.My W0rld My View

Thanks Jessica for the lovely nomination!

Signing off,

Monday 15 September 2014

Coming soon...

Sorry I haven't been blogging in a while. I have realised that rather than producing lots of flimsy content that I should work on producing good quality stuff. So that is in the making right now. Get ready for some quality content. There will be days out and also there is a Lush Haul in the making right now. So keep your eyes peeled on this spot for lots of lovely posts. No more rushed content, no more feeling like I NEED to post. Just great content for great readers... Enjoy!
Short post, but the good stuff is on it's way...