Saturday 31 January 2015

Infinity Dreams Award- Part 2

The lovely lady behind the amazing blog The night writers diary nominated me for the Infinity Dreams Award and I cannot thank her enough...

So here are the rules

Thank and Follow the blog that nominated you
Tell us 11 facts about you
Answers the questions that were set up for you
Nominate 11 and make questions for them

11 Facts about boring old me:
1. I never wear heels, there hell in a shoe for me...
2. My favourite colour is orange hence the name Amber, I didn't choose it though I guess my parents knew really well before i even knew myself. Weird.
3. I find it really hard to spell weird.
4. Procrastination is my middle name... 
5. I love singing even though i'm not good at it but it doesn't hold me back.
6. Phone+Laptop+Food+Friends and Family= Life
7. I love t.v way to much that I once quoted a whole advert (sad right)
8. Don't hate me but I think Nando's is too overrated.
9. I love guitars but can't play one.
10. I can play the piano though
11. I do everything with my right hand because my left is considerably weaker (more on that story later)

1. Have you ever stayed up all night?
Nope, my bed is also my life!
2. What is your favourite book?

All Harry Potter ones (not a geek, just an enthusiast)
3. What is your 
favourite word?
Love- eurghhh what a girl
4. What word do you hate the most?

Dead- Morbid I know but there is a reason...
5.Favorite super hero?

Green Lantern- he seems a bit neglected and I root for underdogs!
6.Have you ever been stung by a bee?

Yes- OUCH!!! 
7.Your worst pet peeve?

People who gargle in front of me- EWWWWW!
avouriteTV show when you were a child?
64 Zoo Lane- My childhood in a show
avourite day of the week?
Friday, isn't it everyones! Also we get takeout on a Friday, Yummy!
10. Can you cut shapes?

Lets just say when I was 12 i got cutting homework (in maths) because of my awful cutting skills.
11.Favorite snack?

Probably a banana cut up with Nutella on each piece... yummy!

Disclaimer: Sort of???
HOWEVER there is a big problem everyone I've seem to want to nominate has done it recently so that is why I don't want to nominate anyone because I believe anyone should have this award for just being able to step into the blogging community because the internet can be a very scary place at times.
So my nominations are: anyone who wants to do it you can do it. There is no pressure on you, feel free to do it whenever.

1.Laptop or Phone?
2. Burger or Chips?
3. If you had to eat a food for the rest of your life what would it be?
4. What animal would you be?
5.If you were stranded on a desert island and you were only allowed 5 things what would you take?
6.If you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life what would it be?
7. Socks or No Socks?
8.Favourite read?
9.Favourite shop?
10. Current Make up favourite?
11. Favourite game?

Answer away to your hearts content my friends, I'll love to hear your answers!


Monday 26 January 2015

Awards - Libester Part One

So I have been nominated for two blog awards which i thank everyone so much for, and I thought i'd split them into Part one and two so the first I have already done before, but it's been a while so I thought I would do it... I'm sorry if I ramble i've just had a flu jab and feel a bit woozy at the moment

Disclaimer: Sort of???
HOWEVER there is a big problem everyone I've seem to want to nominate has done it recently so that is why I don't want to nominate anyone because I believe anyone should have this award for just being able to step into the blogging community because the internet can be a very scary place at time.
So my nominations are: anyone who wants to do it you can do it. There is no pressure on you, feel free to do it whenever.

Right now first I would like to say an awesomesauce thanks to Emily from Emily Attempts Life (this is like the beginning of my awards acceptant speech) she has a truly amazing blog (and I'm not just saying that because she nominated me) i'm sure you'll love it as much as I do.

Questions From Emily:

1. What is your favourite TV Series?
The Big Bang Theory, I'm watching it while I write this post and i've actually got my grandma into it as well!

2.Which Disney character do you like the most?
A bit mainstream but Anna from Frozen. To be honest I think I have never watched a full Disney movie through.

3.Heels or Flats?
Flats, they are my life and heels kill me.

4.Summer or Winter?
Winter, I love love love Christmas and therefore I love love love Winter.

5.What's your favourite childhood memory?
When my and my family went to the beach and I got really scared when I was flying kite because I thought if my dad let go I would too fly away...

6.Which of your posts are you most proud of? Link it below?
Now I think it's my Day In A Castle

7.Where in the world would you want to travel to if you could?
New York, the fact of going to America amazes me. If you live in America I envy you and I would love you to tell me what it's like...

8.What's your favourite meal?
Lemon Chicken with Egg Fried Rice- Chinese

9.Have you ever been to a concert/festival? What was it?
I once went to a festival where I saw multiple different singers.

10.Have you got a song stuck in your head at the moment? What is it?
Uptown Funk- Mark Ronson ft  Bruno Mars

11.What's your favourite thing about blogging?
Meeting all these lovely new people, at first I was sceptical about starting a blog because I know the internet can sometimes be a nasty place however I love blogging and all the community that comes with it.
There are all my answers I hope you enjoyed them..
If you feel like doing this award, because every single blogger deserves, then here are my questions.

1.Why Did You Start A Blog?

2. Favourite Book And Author?

3. Favourite Thing To Bake?

4.Favourite Lipstick (for girls)/ Football Team (for any boys who feel up to it?

5.Cat Or Dog?

6. If You Could Meet Anyone Dead Or Alive Who Would It Be?

7.Favourite Film

8.Favourite Food

9.Best thing You Love About Blogging?

10.Why Did You Call Your Blog The Name It Is?

11.Who's Your Favourite Blogger?

So anyone who feels up to it go straight in make sure you leave a link so I can read your answers... don't forget to follow like and share if you liked it..


Tuesday 20 January 2015

Favourite Makeup Products At The Moment

Today I have got a tiny treat for everyone: my favourite makeup products at the moment, so lets delve into the content of my make up bag:

Zoella Beauty Make Up Bag
First essential: my tangle teezer is my life saviour, i love it so much and it does the job so easily.
Now this is my first proper bobbi brown product and although it was on the pricy end its an absolutely lovely creamy concealer.
Inside it looks like this and it also comes with a setting powder. This is in the colour honey
Now the next on essentials for me are my Shu Uemura gold plated eyelash curlers (gift), these work perfectly for me and i don't need mascara when I use there.
Top Tip: If you heat your curler with a hair dryer and then curl your lashes will remain curlier for longer
Now this is my only mac lipstick and it's great but I really am craving Velvet Teddy so that might be a soon purchase or on my birthday wish list...
This is the colour but i don't know the name because i can't read it sorry
Now I have raved about this before in my August Favourites and it's still pleasing me all the way
Now I have had bad experiences with eyeliner but this rimmel one works, really well. I don't wear it often but when i do i always pick this one
And last but not least it's this Rimmel cosmic lipgloss and it plumps your lips to give a dramatic effect and a cool subtle colour.
So thanks for reading, i hope you liked it if you did don't forget to comment share and follow all of which mean a lot to me

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Update: Moving Domain

So some have you may have noticed that the tiny URL at the top of my page has changed!
What does that mean? It means I AM AN OFFICIAL WEBSITE!!! YAYAY.. ever since I wanted a blog I wanted a domain with it!
Now whenever I see that domain I smile and I hope you smile with me to see how my blog is slowly growing! Me getting a domain changes nothing blog wise though i just thought I should let you know as you are on this journey with me!
Thank you everyone, you all mean a great deal to me!
Hugs Amber

Monday 12 January 2015

Favourite Instagrams and Tumblr's || Montage

If you didn't already know I am a pretty big fan of photography so i scoured my Instagram feed and got a few bits from Tumblr and made a post for you lovely people. 
Credits below the pictures:

Now these are some randoms I picked up from Tumblr so enjoy these: as you can probably tell i'm not good at Tumblr but I will try and get more experienced...

Hope you enjoyed it, feel free too comment,share and follows mean a great deal too.

Friday 9 January 2015

Movie Night In A Box- Gift Idea

So tomorrow is my friends birthday, now she is not into all of the girly stuff with bath sets that get lost and forgotten in a week, and I knew she loved her movies so I created this movie box which contains all of the following! I really hope she likes (and uses it), tell me what you think because your opinions really do count and I also love love love reading comments!
 The first thing in my Movie Magic Box is some sweets in some little cute jars as snack whilst watching, I also filled another jar with some popcorn because I'm sure everyone agrees that popcorn is the must have snack when watching something you love!
 Now my friend, her religion is basically coffee so I got her some of the cute espressos as a little 'this how well I know you' gift! I'm sure if she doesn't love the rest she'll definitely love these.
 Now I bought her this cup because I know she loves this colour and if you look at the picture below, all will make sense! I also filled the cup up with popcorn because there was a shed load left over!
Who wouldn't love a Galaxy hot chocolate whilst curled up watching a film! Well I wouldn't because I'm allergic to hot chocolate (or something in it) and it gives me a really awful stomach ache! 
A Movie Box wouldn't be complete without movies so I got her 'The Smurfs and 'Doctor Dolittle 3 & 4' we are both really big kids at heart! And we both really love animals so I played it safe when I chose these.
 I then wrote here these little 'Open When' letters where she could open them when she is happy, angry, bored, sad or just for fun. I also got her a card and wrote her a letter explaining the contents of the box incase she got really confused

So there is only one thing left to say
and also...
I hope you enjoyed this post, if you did don't forget to follow (follows mean a great deal to me), comment ( I love reading comment don't forget if you have a blog leave the link) and share (shares are nearly as lovely as you).......
What's a unique present you've received?
Thank You

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Highstreet Home Picks | John Lewis

Now I recently saw a blog post on home decor pieces and I am a complete sucker for anything home related! And it's about time I do a lifestyle blog post seeing as I am a triple kill with Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle!
I hope i can do more of these if you like it, todays will be a high street/high-end version and if loved by all you lovelies I will do a low end and then I will do my favourite shops to get home decor from! I am so excited!!!

Now let roll with my favourite high street shops home decor section:
Now all the items are from John Lewis and if I could have them all I definitely would go out and buy them... however if you are familiar with John Lewis you know that they are a very expensive shop! Eeek! So here are my Top 5 favourites from the John Lewis home section in no particular order!!
Not Sponsored...

1. Roald Dahl Matilda Story Time Boudoir Cushion:
I am absolutely in love with this cushion, its based on a book by one a my favourite authors in the whole world Roald Dhal! I especially love the book this cushion is based on 'Matilda'. I would put this on a child's bed i think it would look super awesome!
Price: £20.00

2. Newgate Cookhouse Kettle Wall Clock
This clock is my life! I love the colour, the shape, the numbers (weird right)! I am in love with it. I think it would look great anywhere in a home, I think the colour suits everything and I know I'm stupid but its my dream clock however the price is another...
Price: £65.00 WOWZER FOR A CLOCK

3. Anorak Proud Fox Doorstop

A doorstops essential for me I don't want to be dealing with them pesky doors not staying put! Foxes, I am love with foxes like these, there colours is so nice and the material on this one look unbreakable it's like a funky sack!!
Price: £20.00

 Anonymous -Central Park Framed Print 65x52cm
My dream destination is America, every year I beg to go to America and lets just say I've never been. They always say that flights too long but i've been Australia! That's like a whole day on a plane! Parent Logic! This picture has lovely pastel colours with a faded out skyline! I would love this in my room it would look fab!
Price: £80.00

5. Libra Bryce Movie Floor Lamp
I personally think the name of the lamp says it all, I mean its a movie lamp. Who can resist a movie lamp, when people walk into my house they'll feel like movie stars!! I love this style of lamp it looks like the best tripod ever. However it is slightly big and the price is the same 'slightly' big!!
Price: £620.00

Well I hoped you lovely people enjoyed this type of post, if you want me to do more then just comment below and I will be sure to do some more from different shops! Suggest some if you like.

What's your favourite thing from these 5?
Do you ever dream what your future house will look like? I do that all the time


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Friday 2 January 2015

Reflecting back on a journey of 365 days


First I am sorry about my lack of blogging but holiday season for me is the busiest! I love when a new year comes around, I feel as it is a fresh new start and the year thats gone will be remembered however can not changed. How was your 2014? To reflect on my year in a couple of words they would have to be:

As you can see from the wide range up there, my 2014 was a roller coaster of emotions filled with ups and downs. But every year is not perfect, in fact no year is perfect and somehow in a weird way that is beauty of life. It teaches you itself and you learn yourself from life.

New years Resolution! Now I am sorry if you thought this bit was going to be keep fit, eat less chocolate and drink more water, but this year I am not doing resolutions as a) I know I can't stick to it  b) I don't want to be upset or angry with myself that I didn't stick to it and c) I want a smooth transition into the new year not worrying if my water intake is sufficient or not.

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and a fabulous New Year, I hope your 2015 is as amazing as you lovely readers, you all make my day when you read and then comment your thoughts.
What was your highlight of 2014? Comment below! Thank You...
Your all amazing in my eyes,
Amber xx
'A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.'
Wise word from Albert Einstein