Tuesday 28 October 2014


**If Humans had the genuine courage, they'd wear their costumes every day of the year, not just on Halloween** Douglas Coupland
Short Post:
So today I thought I would talk about my extreme hatred of Halloween. 
Why I hate Halloween:
I am a massive wimp
Haven't watched a horror film ever
Always had bad experiences while trick or treating
Absolutely hate clowns
Hate dolls
Hate masks
Hate anything remotely scary
Hate dressing up in scary

The thing is I like autumn a lot but Halloween seems to fall right smack bang in the middle of it! Unhappy face

You get the gist.
These pictures in my collage are from pic monkey because I was to scared to type in halloween in google images!
Ahh rant over...
So that is why I hate Halloween.
Do you hate any type of holiday?
Let me know in the comments below....

Sunday 26 October 2014

How To: Gingerbread Biscuits

Hi there, how are you? Now there has been a problem with bloglovin' at the moment with my profile. If you want to follow my posts then follow this account: https://www.bloglovin.com/blog/12732053
If you want to follow my blog in general then this is the one for you: https://www.bloglovin.com/urbanfootprint
All follows are appreciated!
Onto the post, so when I have a lazy day I love baking and I know it cliché but it actually relaxes me and I am going to show you how to make these super yummy biscuits in a few simple steps. I personally found the cutting hard. Right onto the baking!
Step 1:
Gather all the ingredients you will need. I have labelled everything on the picture and measurements are just below:
For the Gingerbread Biscuits:
350g/12oz plain flour, plus extra for rolling out
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
2 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cinnamon
125g/4½oz butter
175g/6oz light soft brown sugar
1 free-range egg
4 tbsp golden syrup
To decorate:
Writing icing
Cake Decorations
Step 2:
Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda, ground ginger and ground cinnamon
So this:
 Turns into this:

 Step 3:
Then add your butter and mix until your mixture looks like breadcrumbs. You can do all this in a food processor but I did it by hand! Why? Don't ask, even I don't know!

 After I finished mixing my mixture looked like this:
 Step 4:
Then add your sugar and mix that in as well:
 And this is what my final dry mixture looked like!
Step 5:
  Now in a separate bowl ( I used a cup because it was the closet thing to me and my arms where now aching at this point because of all the mixing... unfit, I know) crack your egg...
...and add the syrup
 Then mix and whisk this until it looks like this. Nice huh!
 Step 6:
Then pour this egg-syrup mixture into the dry one and mix until it forms a dough like the one below. Make sure all the crumbs are used up! Don't want anyone to feel left out!
 Then wrap your dough in cling film and chill in the fridge for 15 minutes...
 While it is chilling line some baking trays ( I used 3). Insert picture of badly lined tray below! 
And preheat the oven the gas mark 4, 180C, 350 F.
 Step 7:
I then rolled out my dough (badly) on a floured surface and cut some pretty decent shapes. This was the hardest part as I have nimbly fingers but don't know how to use them so I was practically attacking the shapes of the surface! A few bears may have lost their heads...
 Step 8:
I then baked the biscuits for 12-15 minutes, they will come out soft and you may not think they're done but they will harden when they cool. Cool the biscuits for 10 minutes then ice with writing icing and decorate with anything you want!
This is my favourite one, I think it looks like a christmas tree on a star, not a star on a christmas tree! 
Gift Ideas:
As christmas is slowly creeping up on us, you need to get gifting! Baking gifts is a quick simple idea that will impress anyone. These would be great in a pretty bag with a tag and bow.
These would also look great on a christmas tree all you have to do is make a whole at the top, thread a string or pretty thread through it and hang it on the tree. I don't know how long they would last though.
Or you could simply eat them as I did. 
Hope you enjoyed this and also send me your pictures if you make them at amberoseblogs@outlook.com. 
Don't forget to follow if you enjoyed, it's much appreciated!
See you soon!

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Helpful Makeup Tips | Years of Experience Anecdotes

Today I will be indulging you lovely people in my top ten make up tips. These little advice nuggets I have gathered throughout the years (even though I haven't lived many)! I haven't been wearing make up for years but after constantly watching QVC Beauty and using my own personal experience you pick up a few tips and tricks of the trade and I hope you will too!
There is not a set amount of tips I am going to give you, I don't want to be restricted as to how many I can share by a set number like 5! So basically this list could go on to 66 (doubt it really, my brain is tiny) or it could go to 3 and just stop there(but I wouldn't do that to you). Ohh everything is unknown now. Strap in. Enjoy!

Helpful Makeup Tips:

Advice Tip Number One: 
When it comes to concealer, only use it if you need it. I am not ashamed to say that I have dark circles and need concealer.

Advice Tip Number Two: 
Still going with the concealer vibe, pat don't rub the concealer under your eyes or anywhere on your face to be honest. This avoids it looking cakey and 'too much'. I learned that the hard way. 

Advice Tip Number Three:
 When it comes to first time mascara always take your time. Even if your mum is yelling at you downstairs to hurry up, take your time (with the mascara that is, don't take your time just to annoy your mum)! If you rush it will end up half on your eyelid which then when you try to remove with water smudges grey and then you look like a zombie and that's the end of that.

Advice Tip Number Four: 
I bought my first eyeliner recently, and from personal experience for beginners never use a pen one. Why? Because they look so easy to apply, all you got to do is make a line and your eyes look fab. No. No. No. Never believe it, if your a beginner always go for a pencil, it's easy to apply and it's very subtle!

Advice Tip Number Five: 
Brushes, the old age question of brushes, which to buy, how to use... Well don't dive straight in and ask your parents for a Zoeva kit. I mean a Zoeva kit is every girls dream but at the moment I am making do with a drugstore set. They might not be as good but once you get the hang of using them then start aiming high. Why have a luxury set, if you don't know how to use them?

Advice Tip Number 6:
I don't see many tips on lips. Let's start with lipstick: lipstick can easily make a look, or ruin a look. Always make sure lipstick matches the make up your wearing. I normally do this by seeing wether I have put something drastic on my eyes (i.e a bold eyeshadow with eyeliner) and leaving the lips a nude shade or vice versa. I also tend to go for seasonal lipstick shades so in Summer/ Spring rosy lips, and in Autumn/ Winter a darker lip shade such as browns and plum colours.

Lipgloss: Never get a lipgloss from an own brand store, these are sticky and make your lips look horrid I find. Always get lipgloss from a brand your firmly trust. I find lipgloss is an add on to your make up routine, it's not an essential and thats why so many people miss it, whereas I find lipgloss can really make your lips pop and stand out. 

There it is, some makeup tips that I hoped helped you. If you have anymore I would love to hear them below in the comments. Hope you did enjoy.


Monday 20 October 2014

iPhone Wallpapers

The other day I thought I wanted to do something creative for this blog hence why I created 3 free iPhone Wallpapers. One is a quote, one is a Geometric Pastel wallpaper and one is an Autumn Background. Hope you like and enjoy. To install them click on the image, save to your image gallery then in settings click Wallpaper and Choose a New Wallpaper! Then choose the background and you're all good to go. These all work on my iPhone/iPod so I don't know if other models will be compatible.

Hope you like them. Which one is your favourite?

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Sunday 19 October 2014

Hospital Addmittance | Soap & Glory Review

Hello guys, how are you doing? The reason I haven't blogged recently is because last Tuesday I was admitted into hospital and I only got back home in the late hours of yesterday. I did write a post back while I was in hospital and published it, but it didn't seem to publish due to dodgy wifi and I was really upset when I got back home and saw it wasn't on my blog. I also felt like I had neglected my blog and the I had been a rubbish blogger, but I picked myself up and just wrote because I enjoy it! I am still a bit sore from hospital as I had a procedure which required anaesthetic, but I thought I couldn't leave it any longer as I was dying to post! Sorry guys! Enjoy
Anyway onto the actual post now which is a Soap & Glory Review:
 Earlier on this year I purchased my first Soap and Glory Products (I know, I know i'm late) so I thought I would review them and here it is:

The first product I am going to start with is Sugar Crush which is a 'fresh & foamy' body wash. It really relaxes me but if you don't like pungent citrusy (new word alert!) scents this isn't for you. Not to long ago I was restricted from going into Lush because the scent was too much for me. I have now adjusted to this cruel hold back and love this scent. It really refreshes me and has essential oils that soften and condition the skin (Lime oil and Omega -Rich Veggie oil: whatever that is, but I know it's really beneficial to your skin).  It has helped my skin by leaving it feel super squeaky clean after a bath and as I had a lot of stickers put on me for scans in hospital it leaves a residue which is hard to shift and this does just the trick.

Now this is the best body scrub I have used in a long long time. It instantly washes the city of leaving you relaxed with silky smooth skin. There has been some controversy over this product that is the micro beads within it harm the ocean life when it goes down your plug hole. I did not know this when I purchased this product, and I don't know wether it would've hindered my decision or not to buy it. Aside the fact of it having a negative effect ocean life I love this product and I try to scrub the micro beads in as much as I can but obviously I can't scrub every single on in. I try to use this only on occasions now as I love marine life. Your probably thinking 'you should stop entirely using it then' but Soap and Glory products are entirely cheap and I consider them as a high street bath product brand. This is designed primely for shower but I use it in the bath and it works lovely. The scent is not to citrusy but is actually quite subtle so if citrus scents aren't you this is the scrub for you!

Hope you enjoyed this review you can find the product links in the title of the products and sorry for neglecting my blog, I did try to write but the hospital wifi clearly wasn't on my side (as it never is)! Oh well...

Previous Post:

Monday 13 October 2014

I'm Back | Where did I go...

As I mentioned in my previous post, I went on vacation last week! So looking at the pictures above can anyone guess where I went. It's a hot country but not one with palm trees and white sand beaches, it also has many animals, you can't go down a street without seeing a dog. The last time I went there was when I was one years old so this was basically my first time. If anyone guesses correctly I will be amazed! Write your thoughts in the comments and the answer will be in the next post!
Signing off,

Sunday 5 October 2014

Autumn Sponsors

To celebrate Autumn (my favourite season) I have added a Sponsors Side Bars Tab. This means your blog banner can appear next to my posts, I will send you mine and you can add that too. This is a great way to get more viewers to your blog. So any bloggers reading this all you have to do is email me at amberoseblogs@outlook.com for more information. For even more detailed information please see the Sponsors tab. Please keep in mind: banners must fit into the blogs style. Thanks for reading.
Banner Size: 200x100

Signing off,

Saturday 4 October 2014

Foody September Favourites | Indulgents

Announcement Time:
My Blog Name has changed to Urban Foot Print but the website name will still be amberoseblog.blogspot.com. If you find this confusing please contact me and I will change the domain but I think the hassling of moving is too much, but if you don't fancy it I will change it. Anything for you guys! 
Right now onto the favourites:
So your probably thinking 'why are there chocolates on my screen making me extremely hungry!?'  I'll tell you why. This is my Foody September Favourites. I have never seen this done before, so I am pushing the boat out. I cant promise every pick in this post will healthy or beneficial to yourself in any way, (if pleasure is beneficial than there all super good for you), 
but September is my calm before the storm. The storm being December which is my 'ultra indulge in anything you like while trying to be moderate but absolutely failing' month!

So my first pick are the Areo Bubbles Love To Share Pack. I am obsessed! I love, love, love how they melt in your mouth with a mint chocolate part at the bottom, there is one good downside though. After exceeding your recommended amount they start to get a bit sickly forcing you to stop. I am not going to say that is bad though, because you do have to eat everything in moderation. Wow I am teaching a lesson I can't even do. 
I have also been loving Belgian Waffles, I can honestly say, hand on my heart that these drizzled with a honey (a small squeeze of course) are the most delicious snack/breakfast/dessert you could have. Toast for 30 seconds and you will get a crisp outer shell and a sweet dough in the middle. The honey is just an additional added bonus which I choose to take! I did say this post was going to be unhealthy.
Now these are a newly found delight, a perfect snack for on the go and are a regular show in my break time snack! These do contain fruit but is counterbalanced with white chocolate (my favourite kind of chocolate)! You might think 12 bars is a lot but all will be revealed at the end of the post!
And the last foodie thing for this September favourites is Actimel, I know it's a drink but it is one of my favourites and I have never tried the blueberry one but it has become instantly one of my favourite flavours in the Actimel range. 

I wont be posting on any sites for a week as I will be travelling, sorry. I won't have any internet connection or availability to a computer, I am sorry guys. The reason I bought 12 cereal bars is because I will want propers snacks to munch on while on my holiday.
I hoped you enjoyed this new post. I have not seen a post like this so I thought it could be a bit different. I hope you liked it.

Signing off,

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