Wednesday 20 July 2016


You may have seen on Twitter that possibly every British person was using the hashtag 'hottestdayoftheyear' which meant everyone was melting (including me)! It was even trending!

So I made a cold drink in order to cool me down and it deffo worked. 

Here is the method I used to make my Starbucks Iced Coffee. I kind of made up as I went along and the end product was decent enough to share with you!!


There you have it, a super cool and refreshing iced coffee! I'm not much of a coffee drinker but I loved this - even if I do have a slight headache now. Oops! Make sure to share this recipe with your friends!

Thank you for reading!


Monday 18 July 2016


Grab your best friend(s) and just have fun. That is the base for a really great sleepover and this will never change. However there are few things to make your sleepover memorable! Today I am going to share to you guys what I think will make a great summer sleepover.

Now I know this isn't in the control of you but sometimes you're lucky and sometimes you're not. It's all about using the weather to the best of your ability! If it's sunny then make a den outside and fill it with cushions or blankets. Fill it with food and have the best time ever. However if it's raining (like it always is where I live - England) then set up a den inside. Make it all cosy with all of the cushions, blankets and duvets you own, decorate with fairy lights and then just have fun!!

I know this may also depend on the weather however this mostly applies in if it is rainy or getting nearer night. I feel as though a good ambience is set through candles and mood lighting. This means dim lights and scrolling through Instagram with a movie in the background. I also feel as though lighting can change atmospheres so it can be manipulated to change the mood.

No great sleepover is completed without food. It doesn't have to be extravangant - it could be as simple as a few snacks and providing dinner. Snack ideas I would reccomend are fruit skewers (maybe with chocolate drizzled over), nuts, crisps and any other nibbles. Dinner I would always go for the safe option of pizzas. However not just Dominos - be creative and make them your self.
Here's something I saw on YT:

For 1-2 pizza you will need:                     
1 packet of ready made puff pastry          
Tomato Puree
Spices of your choice

1. Get your pastry on your surface
2. Put some tomato puree on your pizza (how much is up to you) leaving a 1 inch edge around the sides.

3. Season your base with salt, pepper and any other spices - i like peri rub, oregano and some chilli flakes.
4. Then put whatever cheese you want - I just went with red Leicester as it is my favourite cheese ever.
5. Then add your toppings - easy as pie!

6. Put in the oven at 180ΒΊ celsius gas mark 4 365ΒΊ fahrenheit for 20-25 minutes but keep an eye on it at all times!

It's as easy as that!

Then after we were fed and watered we wondered over on to Netflix and watched a movie. We watched a movie that is oldie but a goodie, in fact I watched the first time I ever went to her house!
And then we of course stuffed our faces with junk like chocolate and popcorn. Can I just point out that this was the nicest popcorn ever (even better than the cinemas)!
The movie was hilarious and we both had a good laugh. Sorry Fridays post was a little late, I scheduled it for 5 but forgot to press publish like a doughnut, so apologies.


Previous Post: The Nice Events πŸ‡«πŸ‡· and My Thoughts | Real Talk - good read


SIDENOTE PLEASE READ: I might post 3 times a week now because I feel as though I am publishing too much content and over saturating my blog, so is that alright guys?! I also feel as though I am rushing my posts in order to get them out to you so if I had a day to construct a post I feel as though it would read and flow better!


Sunday 17 July 2016


Hey peeps so just a quick lil update that my posts will have a new publish time! It is now 9:30 as I have  noticed more interactivity in posts posted at earlier times!!


Friday 15 July 2016

The Nice Events πŸ‡«πŸ‡· and My Thoughts | Real Talk

I did have a post ready for today but after what I heard this morning I felt it appropriate to share my feelings on the events.
I woke up today to hear of Nice and the devastation it faced overnight. I felt sick to my stomach and I thought 'again?' And that thought in it self made me realise something, that terrorism although terrifying it has become normal in today's society. And I hate it so much.
I know that everyone is grieving the lost victims and I know that everyone is devastated but something has to implemented in the government to at least help prevent these attacks. I know that this is not simple but progress on this has to be made.
10 out of the 84 victims were children. Small children that had their whole life ahead of them. The terrorist who carried out the attack targeted children, how sickening is that. And another horrid fact of yesterdays events is that many of the children that were injured in the attacks have now be orphaned. There parents killed for no reason other than selfishness.
I find it all too much to handle, all too much to hear and all to much too bear. The hurt faced by victims and their families. The hurt faced by the world as well is too much.
Full awareness I feel has not be reached. Celebrities need to utilise platforms in order to make there followers become aware and educated of their surroundings.

Thank you for reading,

Thursday 14 July 2016


ENGLAND IS FINALLY SUNNY!  I crossed it out because I don't want to jinx it! Although we are getting the odd rainfall it still is looking promising. So I grabbed the oppurtunity to take some photos of the flowers (not that I have a lot in my back garden)!

Here are some of the shots I took with some odd captions!

 (the best picture I took, lol)
 (when the saturation is too high)
 (wind chimes = spooky)
(such an interesting leaf)

So that's it guys - theres pt 1 of my summer photos (because I am limited to the amount of flowers I have in my back garden)! I am going to venture out though one day for the pt 2



Wednesday 13 July 2016


So guys, some of you may have noticed that many of my post titles are in capital letters and contain the word summer, this is the start of the summer series here on this blog.

I have around 20 draft posts that only consists of titles and my aim is to do every single one! I am sooooo looking forward to this, however I can't promise consistent posts every single day because posts take a long time to construct for me. I will however try.

This series won't be numbered as I think by post 6 i'll forget!
I know I said in the previous post that the publish time for every post is 4pm but i'm going to change it to 5pm!




(sorry for the short post, just wanted to update you guys on what's going on)

Tuesday 12 July 2016


Sometimes you've been dreaming of doing nothing for an entire term. However sometimes you get tired of doing nothing! Here's a few things you could do to break the boredom this summer.

Bake something new or old!
I love baking things (even though i'm not that good at it, hence the pre made mix and icing)! If you are a new baker i suggest something you know you can bake just as a safety net. As you build up your confidence start looking for new recipes on the internet and trying them out!

DIY something!
I love DIY's so much. They don't always go to plan or I never get them finished but that's alright because there really fun to carry out. You can even create a DIY photo wall which I am currently trying to do, hence the pegs and the polaroid!

Have a slumber party/sleepover!
I love sleepovers so much! I find them so fun and so versatile. There are so many different ideas on pintrest (a few of which I may have stolen). I am also planning a summer sleepover with my best friend on Wednesday and if all goes to plan then I may just do a blog post on it!

Get Involved!
Not only with this pass the time in the summer, but it could maybe even benefit you in the future. For example volunteering at the local charity shop could make an impact on how future employers see you. Another example is teaching - at a swimming club or at a tennis ground all of these things I mentioned will enhance your personal statement/CV.

Go out to town/Explore!
Get your friends/family together and shop. I did a lot of this last summer some of which I am regretting however in the moment I enjoyed it. Also if you've used up all of your money then go and explore, whether it's a free art exhibition or just a walk around the local park - just get out there and have some fun.

However remember to stay safe at all times. Never do something if you do not feel right and never feel forced to do anything.

Have fun - that's what summer is all about!

Have you got anything fun planned during summer?


Monday 11 July 2016


I love reading so much, but sometimes I don't find the time in the day to read. Not because I'm super busy just because I never find the time, do you know what I mean?

Anyways I love reading literature books and I recently looked at some reading lists for some universities that I am interested in going to. I then picked off 5 books and ordered them of amazon. I got a great deal with them as well with all 5 books costing £9.55.

The first book I am currently reading is:

To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf 
I am loving this book so far, although it is hard to follow. I love Woolf's style of writing as it is so different to modern writers. Her writing is so well thought out and it doesn't feel rushed at all as it is so well written. The plot although is hard to follow as Woolf doesn't really address her characters fully so I sometimes get confused as to who she is writing about. Other than those few things that I am working on I am loving this book. Woolf has a good knack of describing surroundings so you can imagine you are there which then allows the reader to completely submerse themselves within her interesting writing.

Emma - Jane Austen 
This book will be the first I have read of Jane Austen - long overdue I know. However I haven't started it yet but having just read the blurb I know I am going to love it! It says that Austen 'teased' readers, this then makes me intrigued in to the book as I want to know how she 'teased' us! It also has a small description of Emma on the back and I can somewhat relate to her. She is described as an 'imaginist' which I can resonate with. I can't wait to read this book, I didn't want to read Pride and Prejudice as I felt it too common amongst reads and I wanted to try something different.

Hamlet - William Shakespeare 
I cannot wait to start this play for many reasons. One being is that I love Shakespeare's writing and his style. He obviously writes in old english which means his plays are new experiences for the modern reader. I have studied in depth some of Shakespeare plays in Year 10,  and I found it really interesting to learn about the language used in his plays. Another reason why I love his work is because he was born not to far away from me! Under a hours drive and there I am in Stratford upon Avon, I have also been to the RSC to see some plays performed. If you are tourist or just someone who is interested in him and his life I definitely recommend Stratford upon Avon. The houses haven't been renovated so they all look old and I'm sure you can see the house William grew up in (I really want to go)!

Bleak House - Charles Dickens
I am going to be totally honest with you guys, this is the book that I am least looking forward to read. First off it's size, with 740 pages and 67 chapters it scares me, a lot. The title doesn't help as well - 'Bleak' which makes me fear that the book may also be 'Bleak.' However I doubt that as it's Dickens and he is one of the most famous novelists out there. From reading the blurb alone I am already intrigued as it says that the story is a complex mystery, which I love! It also says that it follows the laws corruption and the city's dark underworld. If that doesn't pull you in I don't know what will! I am kind of looking forward to reading this book I just know if the plot bores me in any way that I will not continue it because it is soooooooo long!

Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
I have high hopes for this book as I have heard some raved reviews and as a result I am looking forward to reading this book. It's seems to follow many characters one of them being the narrator - an orphan with no hope and dreams and his journey into a man with depth of character. The main focus is one character and their discovery of the truth about themselves. I am also looking forward to reading this book as I feel as though this will help me to appreciate the life I now live because it is so easy to take everything for granted. I think this book will be a massive eye opener for me as it will make me see that not every used to live the way I used to, some would struggle. Anyways I think this will be a great read and I can't wait.

That's all the books I have purchased to read over the summer! I hope you enjoyed this super long review! :)

What book are you thinking of reading over the summer? Let me know in the comments below!

Last Post: Me and My Anxiety | Real Talk

Also guys I am going to try and post Monday to Friday every week (except for NCS weeks July 25 - Aug 19) and publish at 4pm, would you guys like that or not? Tell me in the comments below!

Have a nice day,

Thursday 7 July 2016

Me and My Anxiety | Real Talk

*I don't know why i'm writing a disclaimer because it shouldn't have to be said but some people online can be mean so here it is. THIS POST IS NOT FOR ATTENTION NOR FOR VIEWS SO READ THE INTRO BEFORE YOU LEAVE A NEGATIVE COMMENT. (Although no one in the blogging community is mean, but SOME people outside of it don't understand that posts are never for views nor money or shit like that)*

So guys, I am going to indulge you guys into another part of my life, the part that i don't share. If you are not interested, i'm sorry but I felt as though I have gotten to know the 20 odd people who read my posts (shoutout to you guys)!

Here it goes. My anxiety is heightened during stressful periods, this means that throughout my GCSE's I felt shit almost every day. I felt demotivated and drained after school and on the weekends!

*not my pic*

What form does my anxiety come in: THOUGHTS
The thoughts I had are intrusive and horrible. They were along the lines of not doing something will cause something horrible to happen. These 'horrible' things were targeted at my family and that's what anxiety does, it uses the people you love most to do the things it says. For example and I know it sounds really silly but 'If I don't close the door in 5 seconds something will happen.' I used to do what the anxiety told me to do but not anymore.

How I overcame the anxiety:
I talked to my family. Talking helps a great deal whether it's to family, friends or people at school (teachers). I understand if you don't feel comfortable, I felt the same. If you really don't want to talk I suggest the internet, look at forums which help people to go through what you are feeling.
Forums I suggest:
Anxiety Zone
Or write it down. As simple as it may be writing helped me overcome my anxiety. I used to get all my thoughts and feelings down on paper and that was it. You can rip it up or throw it in the bin afterwards because anxiety is not you.

Some KEY ADVICE my brother told me:
You do not enjoy anxiety, therefore it is not you. When thoughts come in to your head just remember that it is not you. Anxiety does not define you.

He also showed me a video and told me to watch it twice. This guy is talking about depression but if you have anxiety then just replace depressed with anxiety .

That's all. I hope you enjoyed this post and that it helped you in some way or another.


Wednesday 6 July 2016


*this post is not me trying to say 'look at all this stuff I got,' I paid for all of it myself so please don't think i'm trying to show off. Thanks x*


So I'm 16 and don't have a job, which means a very small income.  This also means that most of my income is from birthday/Christmas money. Although I do try to save as best as I can, it always fails and this occasion was like any other.

One day my friend told me that her Mum was going to America and asked if I wanted anything from MAC. I, of course, took the opportunity and told her a few things I wanted.  None the less I did get what I wanted and I am so excited to share the bits and pieces with you today, enjoy!

5 lipsticks, 1 lipliner, 1 highlighter and 1 Fix+ Spray later = non existent and weeping bank accountant! Whoops... πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜’

I also suggest if you are an uber mac lover to get comfy with a blanket and a cuppa and enjoy this long ass review (hopefully)!

This is a such a great highlighter. It just shine and sparkles and looks great on. However I have learnt that a little goes a very long way because it's super pigmented. It comes off nicely on the cheeks and also has a great colour pay off. One downside of the product is that by the end of the day it has gone even though I have used a primer and the fix + spray.

I heard a lot about this spray on the web and I can say that it lives up to the hype. After using this I can say that my makeup stays on a lot longer than it used to. However a downside to the spray is that it takes a fair while to dry. I'm a little impatient if you can't tell. Anyways other than that this spray works wonders on make up.

So that is the end of my MAC makeup haul, I hope you guys enjoyed. Don't forget to comment, share and follow this site!

Read the other instalments below:


PS: I want to blog everyday and publish at 5 (except when I'm on NCS because I won't have any internet access), please tell me in the comments below if you would like that or not!

Monday 4 July 2016


*this post is not me trying to say 'look at all this stuff I got,' I paid for all of it myself so please don't think i'm trying to show off. Thanks x*


So I'm 16 and don't have a job, which means a very small income.  This also means that most of my income is from birthday/Christmas money. Although I do try to save as best as I can, it always fails and this occasion was like any other.

One day my friend told me that her Mum was going to America and asked if I wanted anything from MAC. I, of course, took the opportunity and told her a few things I wanted.  None the less I did get what I wanted and I am so excited to share the bits and pieces with you today, enjoy!

5 lipsticks, 1 lipliner, 1 highlighter and 1 Fix+ Spray later my bank accountant now hates me πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜’

Lets continue with the lipsticks!

I also suggest if you are an uber mac lover to get comfy with a blanket and a cuppa and enjoy this long ass review (hopefully)!

Lets get in to it with the two lipsticks that don't fall into the matte category: Modesty and Half 'N Half

Honestly I feel as though this lipstick is the nicest one yet. It is a deeper pinky nude and it reminds me of a natural lip colour. However unlike the other ones this lipstick is a cremesheen which means that it is ultra creamy on the lips. A downside I found that after eating I had to reapply but the glossiness does make up for it's lack of adhesiveness to my lips.

Wanna see the lippy unedited? Have look at the video!

Love this colour to death. It is an amplified finish which means that they are super pigmented and last a long time. The best of worlds really. It is on the verge of being a brown in bullet form but on the lips and in swatches I find it is more of a pink. This lipstick will go with anything - so versatile. Also without constant touch ups this is one of the most convenient lipsticks! I love it!!

Do you want to see it in bullet form, have a look below

So these are the swatches of every lipstick in order: Taupe, Velvet Teddy, Whirl, Modesty and Half 'N Half.
This picture is not edited and only has flash on!

This was the only lipliner I got because I had never used a lipliner, unlike a lipstick so I was a little unsure. So this lipliner is a pinky brown and looks great on the lips. I used it yesterday with modesty on top and if I may say it myself it looked the bomb. It was a pink lip as the lipliner is mostly pink (great description Amber). I also think that this lipliner goes with all the lipsticks that I have purchased!! 

So that's it for this post I really hope you enjoyed the second installment. Get ready for number 3 which is shortly coming. Make sure to also check out 01 of this series where I show you my mattes, just click on the name and it will take you directly there!

Thanks again for reading,


Saturday 2 July 2016


*this post is not me trying to say 'look at all this stuff I got,' I paid for all of it myself so please don't think i'm trying to show off. Thanks x*

So I'm 16 and don't have a job, which means a very small income.  This also means that most of my income is from birthday/Christmas money. Although I do try to save as best as I can, it always fails and this occasion was like any other.

One day my friend told me that her Mum was going to America and asked if I wanted anything from MAC. I, of course, took the opportunity and told her a few things I wanted.  None the less I did get what I wanted and I am so excited to share the bits and pieces with you today, enjoy!

5 lipsticks, 1 lipliner, 1 highlighter and 1 Fix+ Spray later = non existent and weeping bank accountant! Whoops... πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜’

Lets start with the lipsticks!
No particular order just going to pick them out of the bag and tell you what I think about them!

I also suggest if you are an uber mac lover to get comfy with a blanket and a cuppa and enjoy this long ass review (hopefully)!

So lets start of with mattes. I have lined the 3 I got up and I am ready to choose one at complete random.

The Lipsticks:

I fell in love with Taupe way before Christmas, I showed my friends and my family and could not stop thinking about it (sad I know but all true). I then sadly forgot about it, however when the opportunity arose I quickly added this lippy to my list. I ❤️  it so so so much and cannot wait to start wearing this.
It has brown undertones (i think so, I'm not to sure what undertones are) with a matte finish. I feel as though this colour would work really well when i am not tanned as too much brown is never to good (unless you dig it). I also think as though this colour would be really good in the autumn as it is a brown colour which is always a great shout in those colder months! It also has a nudey look on paler skin which I would love but seeing as I am Indian that's hardly possible...

GIF (tried so hard to actually make a gif, didn't turn out how I wanted to but I tried!)

The perfect nude on anyone. I love this lipstick and can understand why it is so popular. Its the ultimate nude with hints of pink as well. I think that it is mostly brown and looks fab on any skin tone. Like Taupe this lipstick is also a matte finish which I love in a lipstick. I think mattes look so much more sophisticated! Another bonus is that your hair does not get all stuck in it (like a gloss) which I hate! All in all I love this lipstick and I recently wore it to my awards evening, it did wear off though but I think that partly may have been my fault. Whoops...

Take a look at the GIF as well to see it the actual product with no editing!

Whirl is the classic brown. One of the most popular colour from MAC and I can understand why. It is truly a stunning colour. However I don't think that it suits me, I feel as though it is too dark for my skin tone. I will though try to make it work one way or another. If all fails i'll give it to one of my friends. I really wanted this colour to suit me. It is brown with a nude undertone and I think suits paler skin. I also feel as though it comes out much darker on the lips than in the pan.

So that is it for the mattes. Be sure to look back tomorrow (or Monday) for the other two lipsticks and the lip liner. I'm sorry that I'm doing it parts, I have been working on this post since Wednesday and it's taking to LONG!

I also don't want to bore you guys with a make up over load and I also want to make each post to the best of my ability. NO RUSHING! 
Also I promised you guys a post 2 days ago on the new MAC things so I want to deliver however long it may take me.

Previous post (that's actually worth reading): FIRST DAY OF SUMMER 

Hope you enjoyed,

Peace out (wow what an ending)!

Amber x